As Fall approaches, the weather cools, and the leaves begin to change, families are often reminded of the upcoming school year. While this time of year is usually filled with the excitement of shopping for new clothes and bookbags, COVID-19 has created a lot of fear and uncertainty for both children and adults. Many of this year’s back-to-school conversations have been plagued with the unfamiliar territory of getting kids to wear masks, repeatedly wash their hands, and practice social distancing with their peers. This uncertainty has weighed heavily on parents, kids, teachers, and the community as a whole. Evidence has shown that the coronavirus can linger through the air, and a number of studies have shown that stagnant air, without proper ventilation, may be a contributing factor to the widespread virus.
In an effort to help ease the minds of parents, and contribute to a healthy school year, all schools should be investing in proper air filtration systems. Prior to COVID-19, research was conduct on air quality within schools, resulting in evidence that 90% of schools throughout the United States are under-ventilated, negatively impacting the health of children. With the coronavirus still largely spreading throughout the country, there is the concern with sending children back to school. Fortunately, there are air filters to help contribute to a safer, healthier learning environment.
Many states have yet to set specific guidelines on how to safely reopen schools, leaving many districts to make these decisions on their own. When deciding how to create the safest environment for children to learn, clean air quality should be at the top of the list. MatrixAir products are available with medical-grade HEPA filters which capture 99.97% of airborne pollutants down to 0.3 microns. These products are also available with a UVC light, which has been shown to disrupt and destroy the molecular bond that holds together the DNA of bacteria and microorganisms leaving them unable to infect and reproduce.
While air quality has always been important to a child’s health, it is particularly important to consider the benefits proper air filtration has on a child’s health and safety in the era of the coronavirus. MatrixAir has a variety of air filtration systems that can aid in keeping children safe and parents at ease, and when used in conjunction with other safety measures, can reduce the risk of transmission.